Tuesday, April 2, 2013

God Must Be Busy.

"I know He heard my prayers,  cause He hears everything. He just ain't answered yet, or he'd bring you back to me. God must be busy.♥"

2 months ago my family took a huge devastating loss, my soon to be step sister (in law) was killed on her way home in a car crash. Katie was the most amazing person I've ever met hands down. ♥ She has always been the happiest girl, and no matter what kind of day you were having she always found something good in it to remind you of. I've only been apart of Katie's life for almost 4 years now, and I can honestly say that in those 4 years I've never been sad around Katie and if I was her smile changed my day. She adored Gavin & he loved her just as much. Oh, you should have seen her dance moves... She was somethin'. I remember going to Emily's wedding and watching her bust her moves (even here now with my eyes full of tears, I'm laughing and smiling) especially "the trucker".

2 days after Katie left us I caught Gavin in the living room dancing (by himself, with no music) and staring at the ceiling. I've never had my heart break so much and my face smile so big to see such a sight.

I wish I could have spent more time with you Katie, but I know for now you're hanging out with God. I'll see you soon, keep your eye out on G. As you see he's becoming way to independent & a handful.

All my love. ♥