I think this is one of my favorite questions of all time, because everyone seems to think everyone's toddler goes through the terrible two's which freak out every parent who's about to take on a child. Gavin was SUPER easy as a baby so I knew either the toddler years or the teenage years was going to be when I began to eat my words.
I know that there's times when I'm ready to pull my hair out, scream, cry, and throw in the towel (especially at punishing him) but I wouldn't be half the parent I am had my father done the same thing to me. I was no where near being the perfect child, I wad actually quite the hellian and my best friend was a wooden spoon who I met on plenty of occasions. Now lets get back to the main part of this post, my toddler. I was always told once you think you have your parenting under control to take your toddler into a store and it shows you how far you've got to go... Depending on my 2 year olds mood I've either got it 100% under control or I'm starting at the beginning while temper tantrums are happening in the middle of the store. Sigh, somedays you just really never know.
When I thought about what I should write about 2 songs came on pandora which pretty much summed up living with a 2 year old, "It won't be like this for long" & "you're going to miss this". I feel like I was just heading to the hospital & now we're 8 months shy of having a 3 year old boy. ♥ who is funny, smart, independent, and a boy who loves his momma with all his heart. Now I'm not saying that everyday is a walk in the park but I can tell you the days where he is a complete monster, throwing tantrums, kicking and screaming that it's more than worth it in the end.
So what's it like living with a 2 year old? Well, with my toddler it's pretty cool. Knowing that for the rest of my life someone is going to need me no matter what. ♥
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